Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday, March 31st

Today, we...

1. Started by doing an I.B. practice for the drama question portion of the exam. Sit down and write for 40 minutes on one of these two questions. Turn it in when you get back (10 points).

A) Dramatic works often explore some kind of transition – historical, personal or cultural. Explore the idea of transition in 2-3 of the dramatic works you have read this semester.

B) Love is a powerful motivation. In the plays we read this semester, many characters make decisions based on love, whether for good or ill. Choose 3 characters from 2-3 different works and discuss the way love impacts their roles in their respective dramas. How does love become a powerful force in shaping the action of these plays?

2. Discussed Act II of the Cherry Orchard, paying close attention to the characters of Charlotte, Trophimov, and Madame Ranevsky.


Have a nice break!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday, March 29th

Today, we...

1. Examined the character motivations for: Lopakhin, Dunyasha, Ephikhodof, Firs, Anya, Madame Ranevsky, Barbara, Gayef, and Trophimov. What do they want? What do they not want?

2. Did a short writing exercise which you need to make up. Write or type 3/4 page on these questions, including a quotation in your response. How does this time of transition for one family represent a time of transition for Russia? Which characters represent which social groups/forces?

3. Chose one activity to complete (10 points) from The Cherry Menu. Print this handout for future use, and complete one activity for Wednesday.

HW: Act II, Activity from the menu, Independent Project

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wednesday, March 24th

Today, we...

1. Took an in-class essay (60 minutes) - you will need to arrange a time to make this up.
2. Collected The Tempest. You need to turn this in as soon as you get back.
3. Passed out The Cherry Orchard, our final play. Please pick this up this week so you can complete the homework.

HW: Act I

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wednesday, March 16th

Today, we...

1. Turned in the I.B. unseen passage essay intros and the 3 discussion questions (Please stop by to give these to me).

2. Worked on the independent projects. Remember these are DUE APRIL 14TH. THAT IS SOON.

3. Had our final Harkness discussion on The Tempest.

HW: PROJECTS, bring The Tempest to use in an IN-CLASS ESSAY next time and then to turn in (worth 5 points to have it on time), you may also bring your notes on the play for use during the essay

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 14th

Today, we...

1. Took a reading quiz
2. Did some acting exercises and practiced performing speeches from the play
3. Did a practice for the I.B. unseen passage exam. Stop by to get a copy of the practice test. You will need to write only the INTRODUCTION for an essay.

HW: finish The Tempest, write 3 discussion questions, finish the introduction, bring your independent project work

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10th

Today we...

1. Spent one period working on the independent play projects. Keep in mind these are due April 14th which is SOON.

2. Discussed Act III of the Tempest. Considered two possible interpretations of the play:
A) That it focuses on the issues of the age of exploration - how people from far away treat local people, and vis versa.
B) That through Prospero, Shakespeare examines the role of the artist in the world. That, in fact, Shakespeare identifies with Prospero, and the way he shapes and creates situations and solves them.

HW: read Act IV (very short) and WORK ON YOUR INDEPENDENT PROJECT. There just might be a reading quiz on Monday.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monday, March 8th

Today, we...

1. Did some acting. First, warm-up exercises, then Act II Scene II.

2. Discussed the two halves of the I.B. Exam. There will be one essay for which you choose a question from a list of several and then respond based on your understanding of the plays we read this semester. The other essay is on an unseen passage - you will receive a fiction excerpt and a poem, and can choose to write on either one. Today, we looked at the rubric for both essays and also an example of the unseen passage packet.

HW: read Act III